Mars 2020 Mission

by Bhathiya Senevirathne You may already came across with the phrase “Get your boarding pass to mars”. This is related to the recent project that will take part by 2020.The reason to issue a boarding pass with the name of you in it is to uplift the engagement of public community, so what is fascinating about this boarding pass? Will they really take your name to mars? The answer is yes and they are capable of taking more than one million names. For this engineers and scientists will use an electron beam to stencil the submitted names onto a silicon chip and the lines of text on it will be smaller than one thousandth the width of a human hair, so nearly this is 75 nano meters. A single dime sized chip will be covered with a glass cover with more than one million names. All of your names will be taken to the red planet with the help of a ROVER. Mars is often referred as the “Red Planet” due to its color which is given by the iron oxides in the atmosphere of mars, becoming ...