SEDS SL Advanced Space Workshop 2019

Ready to Launch Our Advanced Space Workshop !! As part of the Ares SEDS-SL Rocketry division’s ongoing efforts to engage students Workshop will be held at the Maliyadeva Collage on March 1-2, as well as larger issues to engage students such as why we explore and what Earth-bound benefits are derived from investment in space. After the presentation, the attendees engage with the project, ranging from international partnership to technical innovations about the operati on of solid rocket motors.his workshop focuses on chemical rocket propulsion systems for launch, and flight. It studies the modeling of solid rocket engines. Thermochemistry, prediction of specific impulse, and nozzle flows including real gas and kinetic effects will also be covered. Other topics to be covered include structural constraints, propellant feed systems, turbopumps, and combustion processes in rockets. Venue : Maliyadewa College - Kurunagala Date : ...