"TAPROBANE" - The First Mars Rover of Sri Lanka

By Dilini Ayesha "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”- Christoper Reeve SEDS Sri Lanka is a member of SEDS family. Mainly focus on aviation & aerospace industry conducting several observation camps, awareness sessions and several competitions annually. This time we are teaming up to European Rover Challenge which is co-organized by the European Space Foundation, Mars Society Polska, Starachowice Special Economic Zone and the Kielce University of Technology. European Rover Challenge (ERC) is targeting enthusiastic innovators all over the world. ERC has become one of the biggest International Robotics events in the world considering the number of participants. As the 6th edition, ERC2019 is willing to commence with 56 teams from 16 countries all around the world representing 6 continents. Amidst the lack of resources and finances, Sri Lanka...