Astrobee, NASA’s new free-flying robotic system, will help astronauts reduce time they spend on routine duties

By Ms. Sanjuka Karunathilaka N ew robotic assistants called "Astrobees," developed by NASA to assist in the operation of the International Space Station (ISS), are equipped with a sizeable payload of cameras and sensors to allow the robotics to navigate the station. The Astrobee system was designed and built at NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley for use inside the International Space Station. The project was funded by the Game Changing Development program within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate and the SPHERES facility, part of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. It was designed, to help astronauts with maintenance, inventory tracking, conducting experiments, and studying how humans and robots will interact in space. The three Astrobees deployed to the ISS, the yellow Astrobee is named Honey, the blue bot is named Bumble, and the green bot, still on Earth, is named Queen. The bots feature a touch screen with g...