Nasa's mission to an alien ocean - Europa Clipper

Kaveendri Shanika Rathnayake

Europa, the smallest of Galilean Moons is one of the most remarkable bodies in the solar system. Scientists believe that this 1,940- mile-wide satellite harbors a huge ocean of liquid water beneath its icy shell. Also, in 2016 a study suggested that Europa produced 10 times more oxygen than hydrogen. Thus, the scientists have identified this icy world as one of the best spots in the solar system with the potential for life to evolve. 

So exploring this icy moon in depth is essential for future investigations. To fulfil this target NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in partnership with the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has planned a mission called 'Europa Clipper' to be launched in June 2023 or 2025. It will enter an orbit around Jupiter and make dozens of close approaches to Europa. Though mission's preferred launch option is the Space Launch System (SLS), due to financial issues NASA has proposed to launch Europa Clipper using a commercial vehicle such as Delta 4 Heavy or Falcon Heavy. Estimated cost for the entire mission at between $3.5 billion and $4 billion. Nine instruments; 
1.Plasma instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS)
2.Interior Characterization of Europa using MAGnetometry (ICEMAG)
3.Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE)
4.Europa Imaging System (EIS)
5. Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding (REASON)
6. Europa THermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS)
7. MAss SPectrometer for Planetary EXploration/Europa (MASPEX)
8.Ultraviolet Spectrograph/Europa (UVS)
9. SUrface Dust Mass Analyzer (SUDA) will help Europa Clipper throughout its mission and scientists are mainly targeting to investigate surface composition, thickeness of the moon's icy shell (in order to search for subsurface lakes) , strength and direction of the magnetic field. 
So Europa Clipper will be the first mission to an alien ocean in the solar system. According to Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA, Europa Clipper would be one key step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the ocean world Europa. Recent missions Juno, Cassini, Huygens helped to unravel lots of mysteries of gas giants Jupiter, Saturn and their satellites. So all astronomy lovers are looking forward to knowing what Europa Clipper has to say about this ocean world with full of surprises.
Image courtesy- NASA


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